For those deprived fools among you who don't know, Joss Whedon is the God among television writers who created such exciting, funny, sad, and thought provoking shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the beat down in it's prime Angel, and the sadly short lived Firefly. Here I will put in any updates on Joss and those related to him, writers, actors, etc. If you want to tell me what you think of a Joss show, think of something you want to add to this page, give me tips on how to kill Jordan Levin and get away with it, or think you have any better ideas just email me
Well, this weekend, Joss and pals made an appearance at the San Diego Comic Con. He brought the entire cast of Serenity, and some exciting movie clips! I am insanely jealous that I wasn't there myself, so I've just had to live vicariously through reports posted online. Everyone had a great time talking about the movie, and Joss talked about his X Men comics and how he might do Firefly comics!
Then, a most amazing thing happened, Sarah Michelle Gellar was there! She rarely does shows like that, so it was way more painful that I couldn't be there. So, I decided I better get to saving my pennies if I'm going to make it to next years!
Buffy was the first show Joss had on the air. A story of one girl in all the world who had the power to fight the evil undead hordes and crack witty jokes while doing it. But that's not all it is. Buffy is about so many more things and anyone who doesn't know this show is really missing out on something. I will defend the last 3 seasons to the death with anybody who says the show went downhill.
When Angel, the vampire with a soul had to leave Sunnydale, where do you think he went? To his own spinoff in L.A. of course! And with him he took everyone's favorite queen of bitchiness Cordelia and the super nerdy watcher Wesley. Although Angel isn't as good as Buffy over all (anybody who saw Angel's 3rd and 4th seasons would like to wipe them from their memory)but season 5 has been absolutely fabulous. And since it's been so good, what's the logical next step? CANCEL IT! That's right, the asshats at the WB decided that they didn't need any more quality programming on so they scrapped it. They didn't even bother to warn anyone in advance either, cast, crew,writers, and fans all found out in February that this was the last season. That's right, no tidy wrap up for us! So, the man who's fault this is is named Jordan Levin, and you should all make it your new mission in life to see as much harm come to him as possible, be it physical injury, or just boycotting his network.
The most shirt lived show of the bunch, Firefly was an exciting space western. The crew of the ship called Serenity zips around the skies taking any job they can to keep on going. Another excellent show that got cut down in it's prime by a network who didn't understand how good it was. You haven't lived until you've learned the Hero of Canton song! Everyone should go out immediately and buy the really nice DVD box set and revel in their joy! And don't forget the shiny new movie that's coming in April of 2005! Get your brown coats out of the closet!
Well, I don't have much new news right now, except the fact that Serenity is going to be out on April 22nd 2005, so set aside that date on your calander! Also, look forward to Wonderfalls coming out on video in a few months!
Official Serenity siteThe official Serenity movie site. Really cool with lots of updates and fun stuff like message icons and posting boards for rabid fans
Whedonesque- a really great and up to date site with all the news you can handle on anybody associated with Joss and his shows. Actors, writers, etc. Very detailed and up to date
Buffy Store- go here to buy Buffy and Angel stuff! Show your support by spending cash!
Buffy Thank You this is a really nice page where I get most of my super cool wallpapers
Buffy Dialogue Database- a really fun site for Buffy and Angel
Buffy Radio- a cool site where you can listen to streaming radio of all the songs featured in Buffy and Angel episodes, this is highly recommended because those shows had some really awesome songs that are not very popular.
Buffy Lyrics Page- this site has a lot of lyrics to the Buffy songs featured on the show.
Buffy and Angel News- A really good news site
that's where we're going, right back to the beginning..